Children are competent, capable, curious, and rich in potential. Our educators design environments, both inside and outside, that ignite curiosity, inquiry and investigation. They provide a wide variety of interesting objects and open-ended materials for children to explore. Educators offer a variety of activities and experiences based on the emerging skills and interests of children. Art, games, loose parts play, sensory play and cooking all foster emerging language, literacy, numeracy and science skills such as observing, inferring and predicting. Dramatic play, music, movement and gross motor experiences also build language and social skills, and physical competency. Through careful planning of environments, children learn to explore, differentiate, make choices, and understand more complex concepts. Viewing children as competent and capable, we encourage the development of independence, resilience and self-help skills.


7:30am - 6:00pm


9:00am - 12:00pm
1:30pm - 4:30pm
