Policies, Procedures, and Parent Handbook

Our Parent Handbook provides additional information about our policies and procedures. All parents are expected to review the handbook at enrollment.

Family Involvement

JHCCLC believes that families are their child’s first and best teacher. We recognize that parent partnership is a key ingredient to the quality and success of our Centre. We are committed to respecting the values, differences, needs and interests of individual families. We encourage and welcome parents’ knowledge, experience, ideas and feedback. An integral strength of JHCCLC is our willingness and ability to meet the needs of the children, parents and educators in a mutually beneficial partnership. It is important that educators and families communicate frequently about family practices at home to avoid confusion for the children. Verbal or written systems are appreciated in regard to the happenings that may be affecting your child, changes in a child’s physical or emotional state should be reported regularly to teachers.

JHCCLC educators seek out ways to engage parents in a way that meets their needs and builds on strengths while respecting the challenges that face families. Special events and organized parent involvement opportunities will be offered throughout the year.


Jr.Hub uses the Canadian child care app called HiMama. HiMama is an electronic communication tool used by our educators to inform parents about their child’s day. HiMama is secure, reliable, and easy to use. Parents can be updated through email, text, and notifications via the HiMama website and mobile app.

Health and Illness

Please refer to our Health and Illness Policy. Parents are required to complete and submit medical information prior to their child’s admission into the program, including up-to-date immunization records and any pertinent medical information such as allergies and other medical conditions. Communication is very important. Educators and parents need to share health information daily in order to minimize illnesses, germs, and diseases. Educators will make general observations about the child’s health and well-being, and record it on their daily attendance sheet and log book. Please see Parent Handbook for further details In order to reduce the spread of infections, children should stay home if they are unwell and unable to fully participate in the program (inside and outside activities).Jr Hub staff, students and volunteers are required to follow the same procedures. Jr. Hub follows the requirements of the York Regional Public Health Department as outlined in the Public Health Guide For Child Care Providers .We also develop and implement our own policies and procedures for certain ailments in order to further reduce the spread of germs and infections to the children in our care.


Please refer to our Medication Policy. Parents are strongly advised to give medications to children prior to daily attendance if they can be administered without affecting their daily treatment schedule. When it is necessary for a drug or medication to be given while in attendance, the medication must be administered to a child from its original container as supplied by the pharmacist and the container or package is clearly labeled with the child’s name, the name of the drug or medication, the dosage of the drug or medication, the date of purchase and expiration and instruction for storage and administration. All drugs/medications shall be accompanied by written authorization and instruction signed by the parent using this form. Jr. Hub will not administer non-prescription drugs. Non-prescription drugs should not be administered prior to a child’s attendance to reduce a fever or mask other symptoms to keep a child at the centre when they should potentially be at home or visiting a doctor. Parents are not to leave any medication in their child’s cubby. Please see the Parent Handbook for additional details.